John Murray Melanson, aka Fester

I know its been a while since i talked about this sick freak, but was sent an email today from Karen ( one of the ladies that was involved with myself to get this sicko arrested ) and here is the article in its entirety.

‘J.M.’ interviewed for study likes to be called Fester

PAUL CHERRY, The Gazette

Published: 12 hours ago

For professional reasons, criminologist Pierre Tremblay would not disclose who the J.M. was in his study, but a comparison of the criminal record of a notorious pedophile named John Murray Melanson leaves little doubt he was the person interviewed.

In 2000, while he was a member of the Montreal Ganymede Collective, described as a group of 50 to 60 pedophiles based in this city, Melanson sexually assaulted a 6-year-old boy from a western Montreal suburb.

The J.M. in the study told Tremblay that Ganymede leaders made efforts to screen out pedophiles who posed a high risk to act on their attractions to children. But he also said the group had a "You don’t tell and we won’t ask" kind of policy when rumours surfaced about fellow members.


Besides being sentenced to a 30-month prison term for the sexual assault, Melanson was placed under a lifetime prohibition order on Aug. 31, 2000. It forbids him to be near playgrounds, daycares, schools and pools where children swim, and bars him from taking a job or volunteering for a position that would put him in a position of authority over anyone under age 14.

According to court records, Melanson moved to Winnipeg after completing his sentence and was arrested for possessing child pornography. In that case he was sentenced in 2006 to time served and placed under another court order, this time forbidding him to access the Internet for three years or from using encryption software, which protects the confidentiality of data stored on a computer disk.

Melanson, who likes to be called Fester, moved to Hay River, in the Northwest Territories, late last year, where he settled into a job at a hotel. Despite the court order filed in Montreal, he is alleged to have volunteered to teach students at a high school and to play Santa Claus at a public library.

He suddenly disappeared this year. While the RCMP in the Northwest Territories conducted a search for Melanson, new allegations involving two boys emerged. A warrant charging him with two counts of sexual assault on minors and possession of child pornography was issued. Melanson was recently arrested in Toronto.


So In other words, this sicko pervert freak has been "trusted " so many times and yet he keeps skipping out on his parol just to molest more children?  Sorry  ( excuse my language here )   But What the fuck is wrong with our court system that is allowing this to happen repeatedly.  Holy shit, the court system in our country is a joke. We recently got a new system in place stating that anyone volunteering to work around children have to have a criminal check done, thats one step in the right direction for the good guys. I don’t blame the R.c.m.p. in this case, as I’m sure they want to see this sicko put away for a long time as well, who do I blame, Our lawmakers and Judges. Sorry but putting our children at risk to sicko perverts like John Murray Melanson, John Melanson, "fester" and fuck knows how many other names this perv has used, is just sick. How many times does a sicko have to be caught, found guilty before he is deemed as dangerous offender, Apparently John hasn’t harmed enough children already, Lets just hope he rots in jail, or is "accidently" released into general population where the prisoners will do to him what he has done to these children,


That is all I have to say about that.

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1 Response to John Murray Melanson, aka Fester

  1. shane says:

    hey thanks again for all your work on this issue. i dint leave hay river much a liked guy but none the less i am glad to have assisted in getting this undescribable person in jail.

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