I guess i’m an “antiPerv” and proud of it

Always figured I was a very "open minded" type of person, but somethings i just can’t Accept. What people do in the privacy of their own home, between two consenting adults is their business. Over the last few weeks, i’ve learnt more about how truly sick this world can be that I ever wanted to know. Been doing alot of reading and visited alot of websites, and i have a couple for you . ( This better not get me into trouble lol ) so here are the links that i have had the pleasure of reading and hopefully it will make some people aware of all the sicko’s out there in the world. http://iluv2surf.blogspot.com/ is a very imformative site, also http://www.perverted-justice.com/ is another great site, both have my thanx for being out there, even if I think its a damn shame that these type of sites have to exist in the first place. However that being said, i’m sure they would love to shut themselves down when they are finished everything they are trying to accomplish, alas, I can’t see that being anytime soon, as long as there is a need for these type of sites. 
Everyone can claim freedom of speech, everyone has the right to say what they like, Hey i agree with that, As long as this "freedom of speech" thing doesn’t include the right to harm children. Who’s to say what harms children, the general public I guess, general concenus, whatever you want to call it. I have the right to write on this blog, and if I want to call my government down for their policies, that is my right as an individual. When does free speech step over the line. Take the KKK, Do they have the right to freedom of speech? Some would say yes, but I believe that the internet should not be a place to spread hate literature.  Do i have the right to say I want to kill everyone in my government and talk about my plans to do just that thing, well if I did, i’d expect the men in the black cars to come and take me away for a serious chat or two. So in todays world with all the terrorism and such going on, if I decide talk about nuclear weapons and using them on my own government, then yes, i could expect that my using the freedom of speech blah blah excuse wouldn’t work, and i could expect the visit from the men in black. Reading about the websites that i have been reading about, such as Boychat, a site where pedophiles can talk about their lifestyles, I’m sorry, but we’re talking about children here, and the people exploiting them. Do they have a right to these type of sites, I believe NOT. Now before any of you start with me on do the Gays and Homosexuals have the right to be on the web, yes they do, because that is between two "Consenting Adults"  Adults, thats the key word. If you are in a homosexual relationship with another "Consenting Adult" go for it, and live your life in contentment. What we are talking about here is grown men and women talking about harming children. Notice its never "Concenting children " Its "Consenting Adults" They can whitewash it all they like, but this is not a relationship between two "consenting Adults" this is a relationship between an adult and a child. These sites have to be found and taken off the internet, just the same as any site that published Hate material does.  I do not have the right to harm a child, and no-one should. We’re not only talking about physical abuse here, we’re talking about emotional abuse as well, and these sites are talking about it in ways that seem to make them think its an ok thing to do. Well guess again you sicko pervs, the keys to the jail cell should be thrown away after your placed inside of it. Is there a place for adult/child love in this world? Yes, but we’re not talking about the adult child love that these sites talk about. I love my children, as every parent does, and as I am sure every parent would say, god help the person that would attempt to harm my children.So beware out there perverts, there are sites looking for you, and hopefully they will catch up with you all.
Yeah I guess i’m an "Antiperv" and glad to be one.
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